1. run gnome-shell-build-setup.sh (see http://live.gnome.org/GnomeShell/#Building) 2. replace ~/.jhbuildrc-custom with http://ueno.fedorapeople.org/gnome-shell/jhbuildrc-custom 3. jhbuild build 4. install IBus immodule cd ~/gnome-shell-ibus/install ./bin/gtk-query-immodules-3.0 > lib64/gtk-3.0/3.0.0/immodules.cache 5. run gnome-shell disable IBus running on the system, and start it manually: cd ~/gnome-shell-ibus/install/bin ./ibus-daemon -r --xim & PYTHONPATH=../lib/python2.6/site-packages ./ibus-setup click on the "Input Method" tab, "Select an input method", "Other", "Rawcode", "Add", then "Close" then run gnome-shell: GTK_IM_MODULE=ibus ./gnome-shell --replace 6. Alt+F2 and type some letters. You won't have no letters in the entry. 7. rebuild gnome-shell with the patch cd ~/gnome-shell-ibus/source/gnome-shell patch -p1 < 0001-Make-keyboard-usable-again-with-IBus.patch jhbuild buildone -n gnome-shell 8. run gnome-shell as 5 9. Alt+F2 and type some letters. Now you will have the letters properly shown in the entry. 10. Type Ctrl+Space and "0041", you will see "A" (= U+0041) is inserted with ibus-rawcode.